
    [인스타그램] NiziU (니쥬) 리마 / 20220926

    2日間オンラインイベント楽しかったです! 今回は声が出せない代わりににジェスチャーと小道具たちで参加しました! WithU 元気をくれてありがとう~!! 온라인 이벤트 정말 즐거웠어요 ~♡ 이번에는 평소랑 다르게 제스처만으로 참여하게 됬는데, 여러분들한테 많은 힘을 받았어요! I had a lot of fun at the online event^^ I communicated with my fans without using my voice but it was really memorable:):) Thanks for cheering me up love u 💓 #NiziU #RIMA #みんなありがとう https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-HnG_JQHS/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    [인스타그램] NiziU (니쥬) 리쿠 / 20220926

    I LOVE WithU💗💗💗 #niziu #withu #RIKU #🐿 #だぁーーいすき🥰 #またおしゃべりしよーな🥺#初ハーフアップどう?? https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-DNu-JGwm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

    [인스타그램] NiziU (니쥬) 아야카 / 20220926

    WithUありがと〜〜🧸🤍 • • • WithU고마워요~~🧸🤍 • • #💛💚💤#🌷🌷🌷 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-B52AJD-z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link