
    NiziU(니쥬) “To.NiziU” Teaser

    “To.NiziU” Teaser https://youtu.be/sks6V-LUOXs 2023.1.16(Mon) 20:00 (JST) COMING SOON💬🤝 #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #To_NiziU https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1612403816611151874?s=20&t=EmophN3eurP1uCCA4OGpJQ

    NiziU(니쥬) THE FIRST TAKE 추천 메시지

    새해가 시작된 지 일주일 정도 됐는데 어떻게 지내시나요? 피곤할 때는 있는 그대로의 NiziU의 노래를 들어보세요☺️ Make you happy / THE FIRST TAKE https://youtu.be/bV0VA2AOYJc Blue Moon / THE FIRST TAKE https://youtu.be/AtmnPbjTz4E #NiziU #WithU #THEFIRSTTAKE #Makeyouhappy #Blue_Moon https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1611679114590826498?s=20&t=3EkltMGYdYtQeGs8JEIw-A 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “新年がスタートして1週間程経ちましたが、いかがお過ごしですか? 疲れた時はありのままのNiziUの歌を聴..

    NiziU(니쥬) [NiziU LOG] NiziU LEAGUE EP1

    / 1/6(金) 20:00〜 NiziU Official YouTubeにて 「NiziU LEAGUE」第1話を配信中📲 \ 🏆NiziU LEAGUE Ep1 🔗https://youtu.be/rIVnqnyLxNo #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #NiziU_LEAGUE https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1611316732358176768?s=20&t=ToREuJj3UB5Mb_JrUYSoLg 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “/ 1/6(金) 20:00〜 NiziU Official YouTubeにて 「NiziU LEAGUE」第1話を配信中📲 \ 🏆NiziU LEAGUE Ep1 🔗https://t.co/nfaD4bNm6R #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #Ni..

    NiziU(니쥬) “Blue Moon” M/V Another ver.

    NiziU “Blue Moon” M/V Another ver. 🔗https://youtu.be/YF_TA0OA1fs #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #NiziU_4thSingle #Blue_Moon #Already_Special https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1611014844836372480?s=20&t=gfyeSQvXJHuS_O_4N2D4qg 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “NiziU “Blue Moon” M/V Another ver. 🔗https://t.co/WaWLplCV6O #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #NiziU_4thSingle #Blue_Moon #Already_Special” twitter.com

    NiziU(니쥬)「ASOBO -English ver.-」Dance Practice Moving ver. (2022 Asia Artist Awards)

    NiziU「ASOBO -English ver.-」 Dance Practice Moving ver. (2022 Asia Artist Awards) 🎥 https://youtu.be/0z99KdJeg1A #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #ASOBO #2022AsiaArtistAwards #2022AAA https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1610954444753014785?s=20&t=gfyeSQvXJHuS_O_4N2D4qg 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “NiziU「ASOBO -English ver.-」 Dance Practice Moving ver. (2022 Asia Artist Awards) 🎥 https://t.co/Q13l9Uy8ut #NiziU ..

    NiziU(니쥬) 🏆NiziU LEAGUE EP1 Teaser

    🏆NiziU LEAGUE EP1 Teaser https://youtu.be/YtGG4fDBzPk 2023.1.6(Fri) 20:00(JST) 드디어 1/6(금)부터 신콘텐츠 "NiziU LEAGUE" 전달🆕 꼭 놓치지 마세요👀❤️🔥 #NiziU #니쥬 #니쥬 #WithU #NiziU_LEAGUE https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1610592021131202560?s=20&t=4IbH_oftpC383cbsae25Sw 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “🏆NiziU LEAGUE EP1 Teaser https://t.co/LoeVk14g1A 2023.1.6(Fri) 20:00(JST) いよいよ1/6(金)より新コンテンツ “NiziU LEAGUE”を配信🆕 ぜひお見逃しなく👀❤..

    (니쥬)「Nobody (Wonder Girls)」from NiziU Live with U 2022 "Burn it Up"

    NiziU「Nobody (Wonder Girls)」from NiziU Live with U 2022 "Burn it Up" 🎥https://youtu.be/QdIMp-LexAE #WonderGirls #Nobody #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #RIMA #MIIHI #NINA #LivewithU2022 #Burn_it_Up https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1610229667474337793?s=20&t=AtscXKcTbAPCEe7zwnCAeA 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “NiziU「Nobody (Wonder Girls)」from NiziU Live with U 2022 "Burn it Up" 🎥https://t.co/vT5eGFSLuy #Won..

    NiziU(니쥬) “We need U 2023”

    NiziU “We need U 2023” 🎥https://youtu.be/coI0OIgZwUY #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #WeneedU2023 #WemakeUhappy https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1609504853784686592?s=20&t=n-X_Cw5USH-aPDS906yU1w 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “NiziU “We need U 2023” 🎥https://t.co/KwpDzI6Mlt #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #WeneedU2023 #WemakeUhappy” twitter.com

    NiziU(니쥬)「ASOBO -English ver.-」Dance Practice(2022 Asia Artist Awards)

    NiziU「ASOBO -English ver.-」 Dance Practice (2022 Asia Artist Awards) 🎥https://youtu.be/IXB1MgNchH4 #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #ASOBO #2022AsiaArtistAwards #2022AAA https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1609112244633366528?s=20&t=-P_p1sMdGThLa4ema6jyDQ 트위터에서 즐기는 NiziU “NiziU「ASOBO -English ver.-」 Dance Practice (2022 Asia Artist Awards) 🎥https://t.co/k2EMeCLm1a #NiziU #ニジュー #니쥬 #WithU #ASOBO #2..