
NiziU (니쥬) 2nd Single『Take a picture』 Performance Video (Pajama ver.)
https://youtu.be/6GptjJFL-44 NiziU 2nd Single 『Take a picture/Poppin’ Shakin’』 Out now

[안무] NiziU (니쥬)『Step and a step』Dance Performance Video
https://youtu.be/bNUjnqqZfBY NiziU 『Step and a step 』Dance Performance Video

[트위터] NiziU (니쥬) 'Step and a Step' M/V 조회수 100,000,000 회 돌파!
#NiziU 「 #Stepandastep 」 MV 축하 100,000,000 VIEWS #WithU항상 NiziU 지켜봐주셔서 감사합니다! 앞으로도 NiziU❤WithU 같은 보폭으로 앞을 향해 나아갑시다 소중한 데뷔곡 'Step and a step' 뮤직비디오의 1억 뷰를 기념해 Performance Video를 공개합니다 https://youtu.be/bNUjnqqZfBY https://twitter.com/NiziU__official/status/1398629471607943172?s=20 NiziU on Twitter “#NiziU 「#Stepandastep」MV ㊗️100,000,000 VIEWS㊗️ #WithU‼️いつもNiziUを見守って頂きありがとうございます!これからもNiziU❤️WithU同じ..

NiziU (니쥬)「Make you happy」/뮤직비디오, 댄스 퍼포먼스, 메이킹
https://youtu.be/q1VfUyFDuYk https://youtu.be/jtocpA5YSNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW28YKqdxe0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXAzTUbUB6Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMSdg2_cPfM https://youtu.be/CZxAwVS67WY https://youtu.be/8xwYER57Vts https://youtu.be/zz-sQZ9XQik https://youtu.be/0mxaQJLsLhw https://youtu.be/VTt_m2h81io https://youtu.be/d1h55Q2Z_mY https://youtu.be/SAU8SaXjN-4 https..

[안무/움짤] NiziU (니쥬)「Baby I'm a star」Dance Performance Video (20200829)
youtu.be/xeUWGjPwujg NiziU 「Baby I'm a star」Dance Performance Video 2020.08.29 Saturday 18:00 ON AIR

[안무/영상/움짤] NiziU (니쥬)「Make you happy」Dance Performance Video (20200822)
youtu.be/aXAzTUbUB6Y 니쥬 NiziU 「Make you happy」Dance Performance Video 2020.08.22 Saturday 18:00 ON AIR